Impressive Performance by Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development at the Circuit des Ardennes

Impressive Performance by Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development at the Circuit des Ardennes

In a show of skill and strategic prowess, Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development left an indelible mark on this year's Circuit des Ardennes. Tijmen Graat, one of the team's standout riders, clinched a commendable third place overall in the fiercely contested race. The team's efforts were further recognized as they took home the coveted best team award, underscoring their collective strength and strategic acumen.

Graat's Stellar Finish and Team Strategy

Despite not having started the final stage, Matthew Brennan, owing to fitness concerns, the team's ambition remained undeterred. Their primary objective was to safeguard Graat's standing in the overall rankings, a goal they pursued with unwavering dedication. Jed Smithson, Morten Nørtoft, and Tom Schellekens emerged as key figures in this endeavor, providing Graat with the support he needed to secure his position. Graat's eighth-place finish in the final stage was a testament to both his resilience and the effectiveness of his team's strategy.

Graat expressed contentment with his performance, acknowledging the superiority of two of his competitors. "I can be satisfied with this. Of course, you hope for more and do everything you can to move up another place, but unfortunately, this was it. Two men were simply stronger," he remarked. This admission not only showcased his humility but also highlighted the competitive spirit of the event.

A Specifically Chosen Challenge

The Circuit des Ardennes was deliberately selected to push Graat to his limits, presenting him with a mix of challenging terrains to conquer. "We chose this race to challenge me. Here I learn to position, ride better corners, and climb better. Besides, I really liked going for my own chance," Graat shared. This approach was emblematic of the team's ambition to grow and evolve through facing tough challenges head-on.

Tom Schellekens' critical role during the final stage deserves a special mention. Not only did he counter several attacks effectively, but his fourth-place finish underscored his importance to the team's strategy. "Today we did everything we could to secure Tijmen's third place. We knew it was going to be difficult because Tijmen specializes more in longer climbs. This was a course where you had to accelerate a lot," highlighted team director Sierk-Jan de Haan. He further added, "The guys kept a constant eye on Tijmen so he was well positioned going into the final circuit".

Team Victory and Collective Effort

Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development's victory in the team classification was a direct result of their unified and concerted effort. Each member played a pivotal role in ensuring the team's success, a fact that did not go unnoticed by their team director, Sierk-Jan de Haan. He praised the team's overarching performance throughout the event, saying, "The goal was to finish as good as possible in every stage and that worked out well. The boys did a great race."

De Haan's commentary encapsulated the essence of the team's strategy and their approach to the Circuit des Ardennes. The focus was not solely on individual stages but on maintaining a consistent level of performance throughout the race. This strategy paid off handsomely, earning them the team classification victory and solidifying their reputation as a formidable force in the cycling world.


Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development's achievements at the Circuit des Ardennes exemplifies the power of teamwork, strategic planning, and individual grit. Tijmen Graat's third-place finish, alongside the team's success in securing the team classification award, highlights their collective strength and the individual talent within their ranks. As the team reflects on their performance and looks to future challenges, one thing is clear: the experience gained at the Circuit des Ardennes has not only tested their mettle but also prepared them for whatever lies ahead. With a blend of young talents like Graat and the strategic guidance of individuals like Sierk-Jan de Haan, the team is well-positioned for continued success in the competitive realm of professional cycling.