Dan Hurley Rejects Lakers Offer: Implications and Consequences

Dan Hurley Rejects Lakers Offer: Implications and Consequences

LOS ANGELES -- On Monday, the Los Angeles Lakers faced another setback in their search for a new head coach when Dan Hurley declined their six-year, $70 million offer. This decision may not come as a shock to those following his career trajectory. Hurley, who has the opportunity to chase a third straight NCAA championship, chose to remain in college basketball, highlighting the difficulties the Lakers are currently facing.

The Lakers' Gamble and Its Fallout

The Lakers' pursuit of Hurley might have always been a risky move. No guarantee exists that a hard-charging coach without NBA experience, like Hurley, would mesh well with LeBron James. LeBron has exacting standards and a particular view of how teams should operate, preferring to partner with a head coach rather than serve as a subordinate.

The Lakers now seem directionless. It's unclear whether they truly knew what they were doing or whom they wanted to become. Hurley's rejection, played out publicly and slowly, has inflicted a significant blow to the organization's reputation, making them appear amateurish and small. This failed pursuit raises the legitimate question of why the Lakers would publicly pursue a college coach who had no interest in the role.

The Alternate Realities: Hurley vs. Redick

Dan Hurley might have been a gamble worth taking. His track record in college basketball suggests he’s a proven winner. Scouts and front-office personnel have long been impressed by the tactical acumen displayed by his UConn teams. Hurley might have succeeded in translating his college success to the NBA, following the footsteps of coaches like Brad Stevens and Billy Donovan. However, skepticism about college head coaches making the jump to the NBA is also prevalent.

Losing out on Hurley now brings to light the potential of JJ Redick, who seemed poised to signal his new head coaching gig on his podcast. Instead, Redick had to downplay the situation after being effectively passed over, a potentially humiliating stance to take publicly. James Borrego also found himself in a state of limbo, watching as the Lakers’ chaotic coaching search unfolded.

Hurley and Redick represent two vastly different visions for the Lakers. Hurley would have been an investment in the long game, with an eye towards the post-LeBron reality. He might have developed three first-round picks into cornerstones of a youthful team. Conversely, Redick would likely emphasize short-term success, focusing on LeBron’s waning years and possibly trading future assets for immediate star power. These competing visions highlight the lack of clarity within the Lakers' front office.

The Aftermath and LeBron's Influence

LeBron James holds immense leverage in the Lakers' future decisions. The Lakers cannot afford to lose him, and Hurley's public rejection might grant LeBron a more significant say in who becomes the new head coach. This discussion could extend to trading for another star player, which can be a sound plan if well-thought-out. However, the optics of landing in this situation due to Hurley's rejection does not bode well for the Lakers' strategic planning.

Ultimately, the Lakers seem to be treating the hiring of an NBA head coach as casually as scrolling through Netflix. This kind of slipshod approach has tangible consequences, making it harder to find a winning candidate after such a public embarrassment. The Lakers' current predicament underscores the necessity for a clear vision and a well-constructed plan, which, so far, seems to be lacking.


The Lakers' pursuit of Dan Hurley has ended in disappointment, leaving the organization in a precarious position. Hurley's rejection has highlighted significant flaws in the Lakers' approach and planning. With LeBron James' future potentially hanging in the balance, the Lakers must now regroup and define a clear course of action. Their next move will be crucial, as they attempt to stabilize and rebuild their reputation.

"I can do better." – This sentiment might well be echoed throughout the Lakers' organization as they reflect on the lessons from this debacle. The challenge now is whether they can indeed do better as they continue their search for the right head coach.